Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lady Dragon's Rugby

Today was the the first game for the QSI Shekou Middle School girls touch rugby team and we played our cross-town rivals to a 4-4 tie. We only have one girl who has ever played before plus rookie coaches so we were pretty happy.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Wanda and I spent the weekend in Hong Kong so we could see Australia and New Zealand play a rugby match.

Wanda is eating Chinese stadium food - calamari (squid).

Australia scored at the end to win!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hong Kong Airport Burger King

You have a bigger choice of beverages here. And no, I didn't supersize.

Hong Kong Airport

From left to right: Patti, Anna, and of course Wanda at Burger King in the Hong Kong airport waiting for our flight to Thailand.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

# 6 Bus

Here is a view of Hong Kong from the top deck of the #6 bus (Central to Stanley Bay)

Hong Kong

We finally made it to Hong Kong. We took the ferry across the bay on Saturday, and then rode the double- decker bus from the Central district to Stanley Bay on the south side of the island. We shopped, ate fish and chips, and visited the maritime museum. Fun day!
Photos: Top left- Hong Kong ferry terminal
Top right- bus
Bottom- Stanley Bay

Friday, September 10, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away

We woke up at 5:30 am so that we could catch the 7:45 ferry to Hong Kong, but saw that it was pouring rain. We've waited five weeks to get our permanent visas so we could visit Hong Kong and today is the worst storm yet. Oh well, staying home and relaxing is nice too. Maybe next weekend.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Wanda's Birthday

Wanda had a great birthday weekend. On Friday, my sister had a party for her with some of our old friends from Tbilisi ( see previous post), but Saturday was her actual birthday, so we made sure she had a fun filled day. First, we had lunch at the Boathouse restaurant, where Wanda had a delicious slice of cheesecake for dessert. Next, we went downtown to Shenzhen so she could do a little shopping (Wanda is buying dishes in the middle photo), and last, we ate dinner at a Turkish restaurant. Thanks to Patti, Maureen, and Barbara for helping me to make Wanda's day extra special!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

School Days

This is post for all my former students at BCS. Here at QSI Shekou, the senior high school students go to school from 8:30am to 4pm. Each student has eight subjects but they only go to half of them on most days. That's four classes Monday and the other four on Tuesday and then the same routine Wednesday and Thursday. The kicker is that each class period is ninety minutes long. That is a long time to be in one class! Friday is the only day they go to all eight classes for 45 minutes each.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Apartment Video

Hope this works and you can view this video.

First Day of School

Here is a picture of a class from my (Roy) first day of school. Actually, it's technically the second day, because all the students did on the first day was get their schedules, books, lockers, etc.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Strange Food

Had a first today- ate camel meat. We went to a Brazilian barbecue restaurant and they brought different roasted meats to our table. Most of it was beef, pork, and chicken, but camel was the unique one. The food was great, but the camel was a bit gamey tasting. Sorry no picture since I forgot my camera.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Our friend Maureen just got into town last night, so today we took her out to see Shekou. Maureen worked with us in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia but we haven't seen her in three years, so it's been great catching up.
Maureen is the one waving and saying nee how (hello) to everybody.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hot Pot

We tried some more Chinese cuisine tonight -this one is called "hot pot". Basically, it's a steaming bowl of broth (one side spicy and one mild) that you dump meat and vegetables into to cook in front of you. When it is finished you pick it out with a spoon or your chopsticks. The restaurant is called the Little Sheep, so of course the meat you see about to cook is lamb. It was very delicious.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

We'll Leave the Light On- Oops, wrong chain!

This post is for Wanda's dad since the Super 8 is his favorite hotel chain. This hotel is actually attached to the back of our apartment building. So Dad, come and visit and if you don't like our spare bedroom, you know where to go.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Little Fisheys

We went to lunch with my sister Patti and her daughter DeeDee, and I tried a new dish. This is some kind of small fish (maybe anchovies) deep fried but served as a cold dish. They were slightly spicy and tasty but none of the ladies wanted to eat much after they tried it. Oh well, more for me!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Culture Shock?

So far, what we've seen of Shekou has been positive. There are a lot of foreigners in this city so the locals are used to us and don't stare. Also with Starbucks, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, KFC, and Papa Johns just blocks away, it's hard to feel culture shock. Wanda even went to Ikea yesterday to buy sheets and towels.

The only thing slowing me down is the humidity, but I can't complain to much because our apartment is air conditioned. Still the walk from home to the QSI school leaves me drenched in sweat.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Real Chinese Food

The school administrators took the new staff out for authentic Chinese food Friday night. It was very good but not as different from some "American" Chinese food we've had. The real laugh was that the place was out of rice when we were there-how weird is that? The picture is of Wanda trying out her chopsticks on a pork dish.

In China

We made it into China with no hassles. This is the view of Hong Kong Bay from our bedroom window.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Good Morning Hong Kong

Our flight went well and we arrived early so we have a three hour wait for the ferry to Shekou. Here is a picture of Wanda at the Hong Kong airport.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Three Days to Go

Big family gathering to say farewell today. Good food and great people. Thanks to the two Helens for organizing everything.

Baseball Picture

Last Baseball Game

Last night, we went to a minor league baseball game with our two favorite people- the grandchildren Jordyn and Levi. It was a great way to say goodbye to American culture for a while. What's more American than baseball.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

More Farewells

Today was my last day of my park aide job, but yesterday the rangers and the other aides had a farewell lunch for me. It was unexpected so I was very touched. My boss bought me lunch, and then I was presented with a card and a gift from the crew. I think they don't want me to embarrass my self since the gift was The Essential Guide to Customs and Culture of China. I'll keep it and my Chinese phrasebook with me always. Thanks to Dave, Gloria, Shera, John, Sherman, Mike, Bryan, and Joanne.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Party Time

Last night was the beginning of our farewell tour, with a big Mexican food feast put on by our small group friends. The food was great and the fellowship was even better. We also were surprised by a wonderful gift from all. Thank you to Jim, Heidi, Mark, Georgia, Jamie, Eddie, Max, Jackie, Rock, and Karrie.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

14 Days to Go

Our Chinese visas came today. Now all we have left to do is pack and say our goodbyes.

Monday, July 12, 2010

23 Days to Go

Shekou means "mouth of the snake" in Chinese,not because it has a lot of reptiles but because it is the entrance (the mouth) of the Pearl River Delta (the snake).

Thursday, July 8, 2010

27 Days to Go

Wanda was supposed to write this post, but if I wait for her we'll be in China before anything gets written. So, I'll try to explain her fascination with Asia. Wanda says that she really wanted to travel to all the places listed in the kindergarten social studies book she taught from years ago. One of those places was the Great Wall, thus we must see the Great Wall and live in China. I'm still confused why China and not France ( the Eiffel Tower is in the book). Wanda is a complex person underneath the easy going facade everybody else sees- reason # 63 why I love her.

Monday, July 5, 2010

30 Days to Go

So, why China? On the plus side it is the world's oldest living civilization - my world history students should know that- and it has reinvented itself as an economic power in the last 30 years. But, it's still a communist country and I always swore I would visit but not live in one. Yet, in a month I'll being flying a big shiny jet to Hong Kong, and crossing the bay to Shekou where I plan to take up residence for at least two years. Why 'o why you ask? Short answer- it's my wife's idea!